Just yesterday, me and my wife, Olive have gone through some sort of
petty argument over something which made us not talk with each other for a
while. You know, we’ve been married for almost seventeen years now and I’ve
already discovered that marriage life is not always that smooth every day.
Though we’ve always wanted to, things don’t frequently come that way.
Irritation do really come, and I surmise that’s just part of God’s way in
making relationship grow and truly work as long as everything is seen in the
perspective of love.
Thank God that as of this writing, everything is getting better and
things were all settled by now. Consequently, the incident inspired me to write
something about marriage.
Experts say that there are about eight (8) wonders in the world today.
As we all know, among the list is the Great Wall of China, the towering
pyramids of Egypt, another two (2), of course, here in the Philippines,
including the Rice Terraces in Banaue, etcetera.
Authorities may be right, but would it be fair if I give my side
preference by saying that there are actually nine (9) wonders in the world
today? And the last but not the least, please fasten your seatbelts, is the
union of two (2) persons, male and female, in marriage.
What are you talking about, Mr. Ed? How could that be since such union
is normal and just a usual occurrence anywhere in the world since time
immemorial? Well, you might be right in that observation but would you believe
if I tell you that the woman was actually a part of a man, a part of his ribs,
being taken by God and formed into a woman predestined to meet the man, who
owns her, at an appointed time? Are you now wondering of what I’m talking about
here? Well, I suppose this is a mystery.
To make it clearer, I now invite to the scripture where it says, “So
the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was
sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with
flesh. Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man,
and he brought her to the man.” (Gen. 2: 21-22)
Mr. Ed, if you’re accurate in what you’re saying, why is it that lots
of marriages now-a-days end up in failure and turned out to be unsuccessful?
Well, that maybe what makes it as the ninth wonders of the world I suppose.
It is really amazing to think that since marriage is divinely orchestrated
by God uniting two souls to be one, why is it that successful marriage is still
elusive considering that it should be perfect already since God, Himself,
designed it?
Marriage is supposed to be one of the most wonderful gift of God to
man. It is through this union that the divine purposes of God for both the husband
and wife could be achieved easily and smoothly assuring them of attaining
complete meaning and fulfillment in life. However, because of the ultimate mistake
committed by the original couple, Adam and Eve, this original intent of God for
bliss in marriage was ruined. The original couple committed treason against the
Lord by virtue of disobedience thereby giving access for the enemy, the devil,
to cut-off the stream of blessing from the LORD and further giving him license
to sow discord in marriages.
But thank the LORD, for God is still God! Nobody could ever thwart His
purposes and original intent. In the book of Isaiah, it says, “I make known the
end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My
purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.'” (Isa. 46: 10)
Though the man had committed an ultimate mistake, God in His loving
mercy, made the way to resolve the issue by making an ultimate remedy, a
complete answer, to restore God’s original intent for both the husband and
When God incarnated Himself through Jesus Christ, a great rejoicing of
heavenly hosts was exhibited in the heavenly realms, and it was during the
Easter that God made a fatal blow upon the head of the serpent that crushed his
head and lost his grip and power upon the affairs of men especially of those
who declared their allegiance in the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Finally, it was during the resurrection that the ultimate victory was
manifested. The works of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy, was finished, because the Son of God brought back life once
again in its full abundance in favor of the children of God.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that
they may have life, and have it to the full.” – Jn. 10: 10
The good news now is that the benefit of the Easter has also paved the
way to bring life again to every married couple whose relationship had been
marred by the enemy’s deceitful schemes.
My friend, the word of the LORD says in Ecclesiastes, “To everything there
is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Eccles. 3: 1). This is now
the time and the right season to re-dedicate your marriage to God. His plan is to
bring life again into your marriage and having it to the full.
Married couple, may I ask you to join your hands together as I usher you
to utter with love this simple prayer:
“LORD Jesus, we humble ourselves before You, acknowledging that it is only
through You that life can be restored in our marriage. Forgive us from all our sins,
and as we surrender our lives before You, we ask You to bring complete healing to
our marriage. And right now, we do believe and claim the full benefits of Your resurrection.