By: K. Hee
We all need to have dreams, plans and visions for our lives. The Bible tells us that if we fail to plan, we’re essentially planning to fail! But it’s not enough just to have your own dreams for your life. Just because the plans that you come up with are “good,” it doesn’t mean they’re from God!
“Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus.’” ~ Luke 1:30-31
Just like Mary, it’s important for you to have a revelation of God’s destiny for your life. And when you learn to align your dreams with God’s, then it becomes more than just a “good idea”; it becomes a “God idea”! And when it’s God’s vision, He will make sure that you have the grace and anointing to endure tough times until it’s fulfilled for His glory.
Do you want a God-given vision for your life? Seek Him today in prayer and in His Word, and patiently wait on Him. In God’s good timing, you will discover His plans and purposes for you. And He will anoint you with the power, gifts, and grace you need to live out your calling!
Prayer for the day:
Ask God to reveal to you your destiny, and to give you the grace and anointing you need to live in it.