By: K. Hee
What are you worth? If you asked Bill Gates that question, he’d probably reply something like 60 billion dollars! But if someone came up to you and asked you that question, would you respond with a dollar value? Or, would you understand that your worth is more than just silver and gold?
You are precious to God. He knew you even before you were born. Even before your conception, He called you by name and gave you a destiny. He knows the number of hair you have on your head (Luke 12:7)! That’s how important you are to Him!
And here’s the most important thing about your value in God’s eyes: You are worth so much that He sent His Son to die for you. He doesn’t value us by taking into account all of our deficits, and then looking at how good we’ve been to determine whether we’re “in the red” or “in the black”! He see’s your worth as what He declares it to be: PRICELESS!
This is why His promise in Romans 8:32 is so powerful: “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?”
Since we’re so precious in God’s eyes that He would send His Son to die for us, why wouldn’t He freely give us His favor?
God loved you so much that He sent His most beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross on our behalf; so that we might be able to receive salvation through Him and be reunited with our Heavenly Father. If you haven’t embraced His gift of eternal life, do it today! And if you have, live every day giving thanks to Him for the worth He’s placed on you!
Pray that God will help you understand your true value in His eyes. Ask for strength to live your life in light of your worth to your Heavenly Father.
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